- All 25-man Raid Attunements Lifted - Black Temple and Mount Hyjal are now available to all players of level 70. Much like when Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep attunements were lifted, players who have completed the attunements will be given a special title, "The Hand of A'dal". This title will be a very prestigious title for a long time to come, as many players will never defeat both Vashj and Kael'thas. This was done to help guilds who are trying to push through Black Temple and Mount Hyjal, this way they do not have to key all their new players every week!
- Sunwell Isle - This is a completely new region found Just north of Silvermoon City. All level 70 players will be able to fly there from the flight path outside Silvermoon City. Upon reaching Sunwell Isle players will be able to begin the individual and server wide reputation grind. In order to open up certain portions of Sunwell Isle to all players on the server, the server as a whole will need to complete goals.
- Magister's Terrace - The new 5 man dungeon actually offers epic quality loot on REGULAR mode, not even heroic. Kael'thas is the last boss in regular mode and he drops Karazhan quality loot. The Kael'thas fight is actually scripted much like the fight in Tempest Keep, so all players will now get to experience this epic battle (I won't tell you so I don't spoil it!). This is another great addition Blizzard has made for players not able to devote a raiding schedule to the game, they will finally be able to gear up and compete with those who do!
- Sunwell Plateau - The new 25-man raid instance meant for players who have cleared Black Temple and Mount Hyjal, but there is no attunement so anyone reaching level 70 will be able to access this instance. The final 3 pieces of the T6 set will drop in this instance, they include belt, boots, and bracers. Loot lists are forming for these instances rapidly as the first two bosses were killed last night on the PTR.
- New Battleground Repeatable Quest - You will need to turn in 1 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor, 1Arathi Basin Mark of Honor, 1 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and 1 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor for this quest. You will gain an additional 314 Honor Points for each and every turn-in, and this can be done indefinitely and does not count as a daily quest! This is another great way for characters to gain extra honor and keep all those Marks of Honor from polluting your mailbox!
- Reputation Based PvP Sets - Upon reaching level 70 players will now be able to purchase Rare quality items for PvP action if they have the proper reputation requirements. Legs, Helm, and Chest will require revered reputation and the shoulders and gloves require honored reputation. The best part about these new sets is the ability to once against stack 35 resilience set bonuses (with gladiator gear and these sets), as all the 2 piece bonuses for these sets is 35 resilience. This should be a great help to all players just trying to get their start in PvP action, and should give you a better chance at surviving while trying to earn honor points for your Gladiator gear!
Great stuff to keep us busy while waiting on the next expansion: Wrath of the Lich King.
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