Tired of spending months leveling your character to get to the endgame content?

I certainly was. Bored of my L80 Mage I wanted to start all over again, this time with a horde Warrior, but just the thought of how much time it would take made me hesitate. So I started to look for good guides worth the money. Spending a large amount of money on powerlevling or buying a char on e-bay just don't appeal to me.
I wanted to get there by myself to a fair price.

I've leveled up a couple of chars since then and tried out quite a lot of guides. I found out that most of them are crappy grinding guides or just filled with loads of outdated information.

On this site I give you my oppinion of the best guides I found on the internet. WoW guides that actually work and will ease your life as a World of Warcraft player.

- Adam Moore, TopWoWGuides

Friday, November 14, 2008

The $100 Wotlk Leveling Guide Contest

The contest is LIVE and kicking. It's anyones race!

(Update: Some e-mails might have got caught in spamfilters so if you haven't yet recieved a confirmation e-mail please send your e-mail again with the subject: Wotlk Leveling Contest)


You could be $100 richer by just having fun by playing Wrath of The Lich King.


Step-by-Step Rules:

1. Buy Any of these excellent guides using the links below:

Zygor Alliance & Horde Leveling Guides - A high quality alliance and horde leveling guides with a top of the notch in-game quest helper.


Ultimate WoW Guide

The Ultimate World of Worcraft Guide - An all around leveling guide with both leveling and gold making guides. Now updated for WOTLK and gives the most bang for the buck.


Extreme Leveling Guide - A very detailed L1-80 Wotlk leveling guide that also offer a separete Death Knight Leveling guide.


Joana's Horde Leveling GUide

Joana's 1-80 Horde Leveling Guides - The new version of Joana's Popular Horde Leveling Guide.


2. Send Us an e-mail with your ClickBank receipt to support@topwowlevelingguides.com. Write Leveling Guide Contest as the subject and supply your name as well. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you've been accepted. Latest date for applying to the contest is 26th of November.

3. Use the leveling guide to level up to 80 as fast as possible.

4. When at Level 80. Send us a snapshot of the level with the gametime spent.

5. The person that spent the least amount of time leveling to 80 wins $100 - transfered to his/hers bank account. The winner is announced on the 12 of December 2008.

Good Luck and may the leveling speed be with you!

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