Many people are asking themselves if it's has enough good information to be worth buying. Is it worth buying a guide like this just before the launch?
I've now personally read through the entire guide and my first impression is that T Dub has done a wonderful job with WotLK Secrets. The content is very detailed and explains pretty much every new aspect of the expansion such as game mechanics, starting zones, dungeons, instances, gear, class changes, talent builds, glyp training charts...
The guide starts up neatly with the basics and an overview of all the new things in Wrath of the Lich king then goes on with more advanced stuff. The guide is very easy to read and is laid up in a professional way with colorful images.
If I where to pick a personal favorite part of the WotlK secrets guide, it would be the chapter that speaks about boss strategies for almost every single instance and raid in the expansion. More than 50 pages is dedicated to solid raiding tactics for the Northrend Isle.
My opinion is that you're basically getting the full walk through of Wrath of the Lich king and you will be much more prepared than your fellow players reading this guide.
Whatever player you are, newbie, casual player or hardcore, you will benefit from checking out the WotLK Secrets.
I got out a lot of things I didn't knwo from this 230 page guide.
Well done T Dub, its a thumbs up for me!
Click here to Check out the Wotlk Secrets Guide!
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